Orbital Eye BV
PIMSyS by Orbital Eye is a cloud based service dedicated to the integrity management of pipelines and also provides a data integration platform that can accommodate all relevant information for route safety of pipelines. PIMSyS utilises radar satellites to detect Third Party Interferences (TPIs). Our mobile app PIMSyS2Go and PIMSyS desktop visualise the detected TPIs together with other relevant information like the pipelines, planned third party activities (KLIC, KLIM, wayleaves), inspections, helicopter observations and CP measuring points.
Contact Details
Orbital Eye BV
Olof Palmestraat 14
2616 LR Delft
The Netherlands
Active in

Screenshot of mobile app PIMSyS2Go

TPI notification as detected by PIMSyS

Visualisation of the affected area of TPI notification detected by PIMSyS