Since 1991, as a private company, GeoRas has been one of the first leading companies in the field of integrated GIS, remote sensing and photogrammetry in the Netherlands.
We are specialized in working with all available satellite images, such as Ikonos, Worldviews, Quickbird, SPOT6 and 7, Landsat, SPOT4 and 5, Sentinel, Formosat, IRS etc..
Our innovative technology and expertise are based on decades of successful experiences in the field of spatial data processing, GIS, software development, and integrated services.
Since the beginning (1993) of the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), our techniques, software applications and methodology are continually being refined for the identification of field areas, crop types, landscape features and assessments of environmental impacts.
Our work has been successfully audited on a yearly basis by the EU audit unit and European Joint Research Centre (JRC).
Contact Details
Amaliastraat 5
2514 JC The Hague
The Netherlands
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